Leap Year - Corporate Amor (ep. 7), Click here www.youtube.com to check Leap Year - Corporate Amor (ep. 7) Derek gets maltreated with a causa and seeks support from his professional Josie Lanning (special temporary grapheme Julie Warner). Jack loses his exclusive computer and most of his friends. Season 2 Coming Summer 2012. Leap Year is an example comedy program most 5 friends co-founding a move while competing for half a meg dollars in funding. Presented by Hiscox Small Business Insurance www.hiscoxusa.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subscribe to Our Channel www.youtube.com Visit the authorised Leap Year place www.leapyear.tv Become a Fan on Facebook http Follow Us on Twitter www.twitter.com #maketheleap Add Us on Google+ plus.google.com Find Us on Foursquare www.foursquare.com Download example songs from Leap Year on iTunes: itunes.apple.com Leap Year is an entrepreneurial comedy program most 5 friends, with 5 startups competing for half a meg dollars in funding. When friends and co-workers Aaron, Olivia, Jack, Derek and Brynn are downsized they end to 'make the leap' toward the uncharted and move their possess businesses. Things intend complicated when a occult investor proposes a oppose worth $500000 for digit success startup. Directed by Yuri Baranovsky Created by bugologist metropolis Written by Vlad Baranovsky and Yuri Baranovsky Produced by bugologist Cleveland, Yuri Baranovsky, Justin Morrison, Dashiell Reinhardt ballplayer Morrison.............................YURI BARANOVSKY ...
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