US TROOPS SAY FEDERAL RESERVE TREASON MUST END, FLORIDA PRIMARY.avi, "Most Americans hit no actual discernment of the operation of the planetary money lenders.The accounts of the currupt agent Reserve Bank System hit never been audited. It operates right the curb of legislature and manipulates the assign of the United States" — Sen. Barry Goldwater (Rep. AR) "I conceive that banking institutions are more chanceful to our liberties than stagnant armies. Already they hit upraised up a monied elite that has ordered the polity at defiance. The supply noesis (of money) should be condemned absent from the banks and remodeled to the grouping to whom it right belongs." — saint Jefferson, US President. "History records that the money changers hit utilised every modify of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and ferocious effectuation doable to reassert their curb over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — saint Madison. "It is substantially that the grouping of the commonwealth do not see our banking and monetary system, for if they did, there would be a turning before tomorrow morning." — speechmaker author TO DEFEAT EVIL WE MUST UNITE AND BRING BACK COMMUNITY FARMING EVERY COUNTRY SHOULD BE SELF SUBSTAINABLE PLUS WOULD CREATE JOBS AND WE CAN STOP WORLD HUNGER IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE STILL DYING FROM STARVATION IN THE YEAR 2011...AND WE MUST STOP LYING TO OUR CHILDREN AND TEACH THEM REAL HISTORY AND EXPLAIN THE REAL ENEMY OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD WHO CONTROL THE MONEY AND ROB US OF OUR RIGHTS AND OUR LAND AND AT THE END OF THE DAY THEY SPIT ...
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