Chemtrails and Morgellons Disease: a GENOCIDE!, For my communicating of this issue, gratify wager my another recording titled 'Chemtrails and Morgellon's: the Racial and Sexual Connotations'. After watch a aggregation of You Tube videos most Morgellon's disease, which is intellection to be caused by governments's chemtrails which they spray from airplanes, I hit detected that nearly every individual is a albescent woman. I hit seen exclusive digit recording of a Negro and a non-white who has it, and it was of a chromatic man. The black popstar 'Prince' claims in a You Tube recording that chemtrails drive blacks in black areas to be violent towards apiece other, but I conceive that blacks are violent anyway, and that they are not the targets of, or direct strained by, chemtrails. No blacks materialize on You Tube videos display fleshly signs of Morgellan's. Almost every recording of grouping display signs of Morgellon's disease is of a albescent female. Therefore, I conceive it is commonsensible to derive that Morgellon's disease is targetted at albescent women. // Who would do much a thing? Who has the motive, the ability, and the opportunity? Negroid grouping do not hit the info or the resources for this operation. Yellow grouping strength be involved, but has anyone seen Asiatic planes dispersal chemtrails? I don't know. Perhaps the Jews are our attackers. Jews uprise from the Middle East, and they hit remembered this for the 2000 yrs during which they hit lived in Europe, so they do not affectionateness themselves as European. Two of their tribes, eg the Cohen tribe, hit been proven by ...
Is true story Video morgellons disease