The Grey Knights, In commendation of the Grey Knights Chapter, Chamber Millitant of the Ordo Malleus, Inquisition. Audio is "Call to Arms" by Two Steps From Hell. Credit goes discover to the artists who prefabricated these awful pictures. The Grey Knights Battle Cry: "We are the hammer!" Specialties: Combating Chaos and Daemons. Overview/History: The Grey Knights are the unreal Chapter 666 - and though nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in fact conception of the Inquisition's Ordo Malleus, bringing as the ordo's selected expeditionary forces. They were supported during the Second Founding, and are rumoured to hit the most clean of every gene-stock. Each member of the chapter undergoes a gruelling and torturous activity process, and modify erst inducted, their disagreeable upbringing program is without equal. In battle, they advise as an grey of grayness ghosts, enclosed by awe, and armored to the set to care with the poorest foes that Chaos crapper improve to meet them. The Grey Knights stop a unequalled take among the chapters of the Adeptus Astartes - in over decade cardinal eld of service, not a azygos digit of their sort has ever defected to Chaos. Their fit is mitt unpainted, leaving the silver-grey of the ceramite exposed. This practice is intellection to hit originated from their want to advance lives of unconditional purity. Upon achieving the surpass of Justicar digit may pass their individualized heraldry on a fit on their shoulder. In oppositeness to this their fit is highly decorated, covered with conserving symbols and ...
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