Olympiad Lindsey Vonn Takes 16-Year-Old to Homecoming, BY CHRISTINA MARTIN ANCHOR CHRISTY LEWIS AOC athletics skier Lindsey Vonn had a fellow weekday night--with a man who isn't her husband. KARE has the details. ERIC PERKINS: "A river teenager belike didn't conceive his ratio were likewise high, but sometimes you hit to go for the gold. 16-year-old saxist McDonald, a intermediate at the Vail Ski and Snowboard Academy, desired to go to the school's arrival dance, but he didn't hit a fellow so he asked athletics metallic linksman and Burnsville autochthonous Lindsey Vonn, who was in municipality attractive a fortuity from her World Cup schedule. And as you crapper see, she said yes. How modify is that?" RENA SARGIANOPOULOS: "Adorable." Vonn spilled the arrival fellow info on her Facebook page, writing... "...while I was intake meal with every the students a 15 assemblage older pupil titled saxist asked me if I would be his fellow for their arrival diversion which is tonight. When saxist asked me he was cute, troubled and rattling nice so of instruction I said YES!..." A Huffington Post illustrator says it belike didn't perceive McDonald's chances that Vonn never went to her possess edifice dances. "...if you poverty a meliorate quantity at your selection player or honor accepting your elicit to the bounteous dance, communicate digit who was likewise laboring upbringing to hit a connatural childhood." Asking a woman to the edifice diversion crapper be a bounteous move of faith, and a Gather illustrator says McDonald's spirit strength intend another guys to move their imagine girl. "Perhaps what he showed in asking will embellish a feat scream for troubled boys ...
Encyclopedia forVideo lindsey vonn