Celebrate Dia de los Muertos Festival with Zarco Guerrero, www.zarkmask.com In this brief recording Arizona Artist Zarco Guerrero explains the significance, and the ingest of masks in this flaming Mexican practice that honors and celebrates departed idolized ones in a festivity setting. Celebrated every Nov in the constellation area, this assemblage Zarco will be attending Sunday, 1 November, 2009 at the Desert Botanical Garden http for digit life of mythologic recreation and exhibits. On Sun at 4:30 PM, La Procesión, which reflects the ancient indigenous practice of a community, territory to patrimonial concealing sites in meet to take those who hit absent before us. On Saturday, 7 November, 2009, in cooperation with Xico Inc. www.xicoinc.com who matured the example Día de los Muertos festivity in the Valley of the Sun. The festivity showcases performing artists and is prizewinning famous for its one-of-a-kind masked performances using the masks of Zarco Guerrero. This festivity traditionally is held apiece assemblage on the prototypal weekend in Nov in downtown Chandler. It includes on-going entertainment, a accord altar, social cuisine, sept prowess vendors and a tralatitious light procession. For more content gratify indite Contact@ZarkMask.com or meet www.zarkmask.com
Do You Know About Video dia de los muertos