The Ides of March speech, footage haw be slightly damaged. "Today is the Ides of March. The period Julius comic was betrayed by those he trusted. Today we foregather here to call tending to added perfidy of consortium - that which the self-proclaimed "Church of Scientology" commits upon its followers. Since its inception, the "Church of Scientology" has traded in simulated hopes and promises, betrayed the consortium of its members, condemned their money, usurped their rights, and at nowadays condemned their rattling lives. • The methodicalness has lied, and continues to lie; to its members and to the world. • The methodicalness betrays its members when secrets harvested from sacred counselling are utilised against them as influence and grounds in court. • The methodicalness betrays its members when it demands that members disparity from kinsfolk and friends who discourse the beliefs of Scientology. • The methodicalness betrays its members when they advise them from attractive formal medicine medications. A training which has led to a sort of sensational murders and suicides. • The methodicalness betrays its members by charging them for sacred enlightenment. Because of our tranquil demonstrations against them, the activity of faith has utilised cost same 'cyber-terrorists' and 'religious bigots' to asperse us and its some another critics and detractors. And still the Church of Scientology: • Has its possess info assist to wrecker on its possess members and right critics. • It encourages its possess members to delude apiece other. • It ...
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